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How To Punish Your Man Over Text

Are you still wondering how to punish your man over text? Have you tried talking to him and attempting to make him realize what he’s doing when he gets a hold of a woman? Nothing works because men don’t grasp well enough in communication to realize that they are doing things wrong.

Even worse, if you are constantly trying to talk to him while he’s on the phone, he won’t get the message. If you want to know how to punish your man over text, you need to start making him realize that you’re upset about the things he is sending you.

punish your man over text

When he gets a hold of your phone and starts texting her, you shouldn’t respond to his texts. Of course, he’ll expect that you will probably read his readers, but just hang up the phone for a bit and then pick it back up again.

Of course, he won’t notice that you’re not responding because the silence means that you are annoyed with him. However, you can also say something like, “I think I may have called you but I’m going to have to check. You’re always on me phones.”

This will make him stop and think about what he’s doing. After that, you can say something like, “Thank you so much, but I’m not sure if I want to take the chance of losing our friendship over something like this. If you’re going to continue to text me, then I’m going to have to end the relationship. If not, then here’s hoping that we can be friends!”

How To Make Him Feel Guilty Through Text?

If you are wondering how to make him feel guilty for cheating on you, then it is about time that you started to ask yourself why men cheat. What is it in a man’s heart that makes him want to stray from the woman he is with?

Is there something he sees in another woman that gets him so excited that it overrides what you have? Are there things he does that you would not let him do to you?

If you can answer these questions truthfully, you will know exactly what you need to change to keep your man happy and keep your relationship strong.

Men cheat for all kinds of different reasons, but most women blame themselves for their partners cheating. You should not. Although men may think that they are justified in cheating because of what they see in other women, they often look at things from a much different perspective.

They are just looking for someone…

  • who is a good catch,
  • someone who will let them feel wanted and admired,
  • someone who will provide them with a sense of security and someone with whom they can share their lives.

If you are wondering how to make him feel guilty for cheating on you, then it is about time that you stopped pointing the finger at him. Instead, you need to focus on how you need to change to win his love back.

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5 Ways You Secretly Punish Your Man

When a man is hanging out with a female friend, there’s a lot of things that a woman can do to send the wrong signals. If you’re in a relationship with a guy and you feel insecure about his friendship with another woman, these 5 actions are great ways to send subtle messages to your man that he should be loyal to you.

5 Ways You Secretly Punish Your Man
5 Ways You Secretly Punish Your Man

1. When he hangs out with a female friend

When a man is hanging out with a female friend, there’s a lot of things that a woman can do to send the wrong signals. If you’re in a relationship with a guy and you feel insecure about his friendship with another woman, these actions are great ways to send subtle messages to your man that he should be loyal to you.

2. You’re going to hang with your male friends.

If your partner can take the test of your beliefs, then why not you? In this case, you can plan with your male friend. You can notice that you get your partner, now you cannot get it. So, you can punish him by planning.

3. When he’s too busy with work

We’ve all heard of the saying “all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”, but has it ever occurred to you that it may also be just as important to spend time on yourself and your relationship? If you’ve been neglecting your partner by not giving him the attention and affection he needs, it’s time to put things right. Remember, a happy relationship is one based.

4. When he goes out of town without you

You’ve probably heard about the “grass is greener” or “grass is always greener on the other side” mentality: the idea that people are always attracted to what they don’t have. But do you know that you’ve been punishing your man for going on trips without you—and you don’t even realize it?

You do this in two ways: first, you feel sad or lonely when he’s gone, and second, you’re more likely to have negative thoughts about him while he’s away.

5 .You’re doing everything without him.

You may be one of those women who seem to be doing everything without your man. Your man may feel that you do not need him for anything. It may be partly true. When you do things without him, he may feel like he is not worth anything.

This can lead to feelings of resentment. If you want to stop punishing your man, you should learn to involve him. You can do things with him, so he does not feel like he is worthless. You can also let him do things for you. Just remember that you need to do things for him too.

5 Ways You Secretly Punish Your Man- TWEET THIS?

Punish Your Man For Hurting You

When you’ve your partner has hurt you, you are likely to respond in one of two ways. Either you lash out in anger and punish your partner by not talking to them or by treating them badly.

You try to withdraw from the situation by pretending to be fine. Or by hoping things will get better between the two of you. Neither of these responses will solve the problem of being mistreated by a partner. So it’s important for you to figure out why you are reacting this way before you hurt yourself or your partner further.

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How do you make a guy feel guilty over text?

If you have ever wondered how, you can make a guy feel guilty over text, then you have found out exactly how you can go about this. One of the most powerful psychological tricks you can use is making him feel guilty for being with you. It takes some effort, but it is very effective and will make him want you even more.

How Do You Make A Guy Feel Guilty Over Text

In fact, your desire to have him prove his loyalty will be so strong that he might start to regret his actions and start trying to make up for it by getting back to you.

How do you make a guy feel guilty over text? You make him feel guilty by asking him questions that aren’t appropriate, like what did you mean when you said you weren’t available to me tonight? Or how did you find out he was cheating on you?

Your questions should be kept light and playful – you don’t want to accuse him without any real proof because that will make you look desperate and like you are trying to manipulate him into feeling guilty for something he isn’t.

To ask him ourselves questions.

The best way to make a guy feel guilty over text is to make him ask those questions himself. Tell him that you have a friend who could help you if he cheated, and let him think it’s hilarious when he realizes he’s been caught.

And then ask him how he feels about getting back together with you. Be gentle. Try not to use too much force either; you want him to be comfortable, and you don’t want to end the relationship over a fight.

How do you make him feel guilty for hurting you?

Do you find it very difficult to know how to make him feel guilty for hurting you? Have you found yourself saying, “he’s hurting me and I don’t like it, but he is just acting out and I don’t know how to stop it”?

Do you find yourself avoiding the situation that you fear might create a huge battle between the two of you? There are ways on how to make him feel guilty for hurting you;

here they are:

First off,

you have to make your boyfriend realize what exactly has happened to cause this hurtful behavior. It may be something that you did or something that he did. Men take much longer than women in learning and understanding what has caused them harm or emotional hurt.

If it was your fault, he has to apologize and show you that he accepts his responsibility. How do you make him feel guilty for hurting you by telling him that you accept his responsibility?


When he is finally ready to make an apology, do not give him any time to get away with it. Please keep him in front of you all day long, constantly check on his well-being, and make sure he is okay. Also, be there to support him emotionally by telling him that you love him no matter what happens.

Do not be critical of him if he makes mistakes or says something that he later regrets. If you do this, you will only make him think that he can get away with hurting you because he will have you to fall back on. This will make him feel guilty, making him not want to apologize or take responsibility for his actions.

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How do I make him worry about losing me?

Are you wondering how do I make him worry about losing me to someone else? Are you beginning to feel that you will lose your ex forever if you do not do something about it now? Do you think that he might start spending some time with another girl and you will never be able to get him back?

Well, it is time that you started to realize the truth to these questions because if you continue to do nothing about this, then sooner or later, you will end up with a broken heart all over again.

How Do I Make Him Worry About Losing Me

The first thing that you need to realize is that if you are willing to give him the time of his life and want him to stay with you, you need to make him see that you can lose him anytime you want.

You cannot always win him over, no matter how good-looking or how hot and beautiful you might be. There has to be a reason why he fell in love with you in the first place, and it must be worth the time to try and get him back.

When you ask yourself, “How do I make him worry about losing me?” you have to answer this question for yourself because there is only one person who knows what your intentions are, and this is your ex.

You cannot make any other person get this information about your ex’s feelings unless they have been given this information. Leastwise, you have to make your intentions very clear so that your ex will have a very good idea of your plan.

How do I ignore my boyfriend to teach him a lesson?

How do I ignore my boyfriend to teach him a lesson? You should keep in mind a few things if you want to teach your boyfriend a lesson on ignoring you.

First of all, do not be a pain in the neck and do not act so hard. It may be that he was testing you to see how you would react. If he has no intentions to change, you can be sure that you won’t have to deal with it for a long time. So how do you ignore your boyfriend to teach him a lesson?

The most important thing to remember when it comes to how I ignore my boyfriend to teach him a lesson is not to take things personally. Men have a habit of acting as though they’re the only ones who care, but this is not true.

Women are just as susceptible to feeling angry or hurt at times as men. Just because he makes an insulting remark to you doesn’t mean that he thinks you are that stupid of a person.

The easiest way to avoid this situation is to find out what he’s thinking about when he comments. What do you think he’s thinking about when he says these things to you? If you’re able to answer this question before he gets onto his own, then you’ve managed to get across the point without him realizing it.

Just because he doesn’t mean any harm does not mean that he isn’t interested in knowing what you think of him. Learning how to ignore him to continue living your life without him will be a great skill to develop when you find yourself dating someone new.

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Leslie May

Hi, I am Leslie B. May. I am a relationship expert with several years of experience. I run this blog to support people with different types of relationship problems and issues. In addition, I help people to get rid of psychological problems with simple but descriptive guides. Moreover, I love to write about tips and suggestions about relationships and help people decide wisely.