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Signs She Wants More Than Friendship

What are the signs that a woman wants more from you than just friendship? This is a question that many men ask themselves, especially if they’re looking for love and companionship. While it can be difficult to find out what she’s thinking most of the time, some telltale signs point to her interest in something more intimate. Read on to learn about these 20 signs!

Signs She Wants More Than Friendship: What Do You Think?

She Wants More Than Friendship

We all have that friend we know is into us, but they won’t move. They are the perfect guy or girl in every way. So what do you think? Does she want more than friendship?

Having a hard time figuring out if your friend wants more than just friendship? Signs that she wants more friendship, but are not limited to:

  • She initiates contact with you often
  • She starts hanging out with you alone
  • You can feel the sexual tension when talking to her

If this sounds like someone you know, read on for some tips! Here are some common signs to watch out for:

20 Signs She Wants More Than Friendship

One of the most difficult things to do is figure out if she wants more than friendship. You want to know, but you don’t want to risk ruining what you already have by asking too soon. Here are 20 signs that will help you find out if she wants something more with you:

1.      She Tells You That She Loves You:

This is probably the most obvious sign a woman wants to be more than friendship. She’s been giving you all of these other signals, and then out of nowhere, she tells you that her feelings for you are greater than what they should be, and it cannot go unnoticed any longer.

2.      She Talks About Your Ex:

if she mentions anything negative about their time together but also mentions that she’s still in love with them, it could either be a sign of pure jealousy or want to have something more than friendship with you.

3.      When Someone Is Jealous:

they’re not just talking about how great their other partner is and what made them perfect for each other – there’s always some underlying feelings involved. She might be jealous that you have so much in common, or she wants to get back at her other partner.

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4.      She’s Always Hanging Out With Your Friends:

If she hangs out with all of your friends and never brings up any plans for the two of you, then it could automatically mean one thing – there are feelings involved on both ends.

5.      She Talks About You All The Time:

She Talks About You All The Time
She Talks About You All The Time

If she’s always talking to her friends or posting on social media, it could be a sign that she wants your attention and wants something more than friendship with you. She might not even know what exactly this means for both of you yet – but at least one thing is certain, there are feelings involved.

6.      She’s Over-the-top Affectionate:

Sometimes, the signs that someone wants more than friendship can be really obvious. If she suddenly starts hugging you a lot and kissing your cheek when she sees you, it could mean there are some underlying feelings involved – or maybe even deeper emotions like love! She might not know how to voice these feelings or how to act on them, but she wants you to be aware that there is more than just friendship going on.

7.      She Always Tags You In Her Pictures:

If the girl you’ve been crushing on has started including your name in posts and captions when tagging photos of herself – it could mean she’s trying to get closer to you.

8.      She Asks For Your Advice About Her Relationship:

If a girl you’re friends with starts asking your opinion on what she should do to make things better with her partner, it’s possible she is trying to get closer and wants more of an emotional connection. And if she has been on the fence about whether or not they are in love, this is a sign she wants more than friendship.

9.      She Talks About You To Her Friends:

If your crush has started telling others that they have feelings for you, she may want something deeper with you. She might not be ready or willing to admit those feelings aloud just yet, so if you start hearing things like “I’ve always had a crush on him” or “I wish he would come back to me,” she may want more than just a friendship.

10.  She Starts Using Your First Name:

Girlfriends typically use their partner’s last names, but if she adds your first name when addressing you, there might be something else going on in her head that we haven’t discussed yet.

11.  She Asks You To Do Things For Her:

If she has started asking if it would be okay for you to pick up groceries or make a dinner date with her, this could mean more than just friendship on the table.

12.  She Tells You How Much She Cares About You:

You may not have been expecting this one, but if she has started telling you how much she cares about you or even drops the L-bomb, then perhaps there is more to it.

13.  She Talks About Her Exes:

If someone’s talking about their past relationships and they keep bringing your name up when talking with them, chances might mean something.

14.  She Keeps Asking You To Go Out:

If she keeps telling you that it’s her turn for the next date, then chances are she might want more than just a friendship with you.

15.  She Compliments Your Looks Or Clothes:

You may be used to receiving these types of comments, but if someone has started praising something about you and starts going into detail about how they like it or how they think you should wear something more often, the chances are that this is a sign.

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16.  She Texts Or Calls You Throughout The Day:

She Texts Or Calls You Throughout The Day

If she likes to keep in touch with you and see what’s going on, then this may not be an issue, but if there starts being too many messages sent back and forth without any breaks, she may be trying to show you that she is interested.

17.  She Invites You And Your Friends Out:

If this girl starts including all of her social circles with both of yours then there could be a chance she wants more than just friendship.

18.  She Initiates More Physical Contact:

This includes anything from hugs, kisses on the cheek, or even hand-holding. If she’s moving to initiate more contact, then there could be a chance that this is what she wants.

19.  She Starts Getting Jealous:

If she’s starting to get territorial and is easily bothered when another girl interacts with you, then there may be a reason for this.

20.  Her Friends Start Mentioning Her Boyfriend Less Often:

This could mean that they are trying to show both of you how serious they might be about one another.

How To Tell if A Girl Likes You Or Wants To Be Friends

Have you ever seen a girl you thought was cute, but then she just wants to be friends when she talks to you? It can be hard to figure out what women want from men. Do they like me, or do they want to be friends? This post will give you tips on how to tell if the girl likes you or wants a friend. Here are some tips –

  • Women often want more than friendship if they initiate conversations with compliments about their appearance and by texting throughout the day without taking breaks between each text message.
  • If either of these is happening, then it might be time for you to ask her what she wants from this relationship.
  • The best way to do this is by messaging her privately and asking if she wants more than friendship or not instead of just assuming that it will happen automatically as time goes on.
  • If you are unsure about what the signs might be, take a look at our list for some ideas:
  • She initiates conversations with compliments about your appearance
  • She texts throughout the day without taking breaks between each text message.
  • Girls often want more than friendship if they initiate conversations with compliments about their appearance and by texting throughout the day without taking breaks between each text message.
  • If either of these is happening, then it might be time for you to ask her what she wants from the relationship.

Every woman wants a man willing to put in the effort and show her how much he cares, but it starts with him being confident enough to ask whether or not she wants more than friendship.

How To Know If She Wants To Be Friends?

She initiates conversations with compliments about your appearance and texts throughout the day without taking breaks between each text message.

She Wants To Be Friends
She Wants To Be Friends

If either of these is happening, then it might be time for you to ask her what signs she wants from the friendship.”

“Every woman wants a man who is willing to put in the effort and show her how much he cares, but it starts with him being confident enough to ask whether or not she wants more than friendship. If you try out this approach, then make sure you are doing it privately instead of just assuming right off the bat.”

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Is She Interested Or Just Friends

There are few things more frustrating than when a girl you like is just being nice to you because she thinks of you as her best friend. You know that the real reason they’re hanging out with you is that they want someone to listen to their problems and not someone they can be happy with. 

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It’s hard for guys who have been friends with a girl for a long time before finally figuring out how he feel about her, but it’s important not to let them use him or take advantage of his feelings. The key here is honesty! If he doesn’t tell her how he feels right away, she’ll never know what he’s thinking and will keep stringing him along until one day she realizes that she wants something more serious.

Here are some signs that she’s interested in being more than friends.

– She gets jealous when you’re hanging out with other girls (even if it’s just as friends)

– She wants to know everything about your day. And will ask you a lot of questions, especially when something happens between the two of them, or they have an argument

– She wants to know what you like and dislike so that she can keep track of your tastes and interests

– If it’s just a quick chat on the phone, she’ll text back right away or call when her friends hang out with her.

How To Tell If A Girl Likes You Or Wants To Be Friends

The first indication signs that she wants more than just friendship is if she starts getting jealous. If her friends are talking about her boyfriend less, this could signify that they think of you as hers. When the girl initiates texting conversations with you but doesn’t stop for days on end, even when there isn’t an opportunity to do so, she may want more than just friends.

Signs that a girl is serious about you and may want something more are if they compliment your appearance, initiates texting conversations with you throughout the day, or show jealousy towards other girls should they talk to her boyfriend for too long. There might be a good reason to think that this woman wants more than just friendship if this happens.

Get To Know Her Better:

– What are some of your favorite hobbies and interests?

– Have you ever had a serious relationship before? If so, how long did it last?

– What kind of guy do you typically go after or have the most interest in?

Does My Female Friend Have A Crush On Me?

My Female Friend Have A Crush On Me
My Female Friend has a Crush On Me

If you think this is the case, then it’s best just to ask her! If she says yes, don’t be afraid of rejection and tell her how you feel. You never know. It may lead to something special between the two of you. But if you are willing to take a chance on love with someone who only has feelings for you as a friend, don’t be afraid of rejection.

She Looks At You The Whole Time:

If she’s looking at you with longing and love in her eyes, it may just be that she wants more than what your friendship has to offer

You’re Not Talking About Anyone Else When They Mention Themself:

This could mean that they want  you to be more than just friends

She’s Not Herself Around You:

If she feels like a different person when you are together, then it could mean that she has feelings for you and doesn’t know what to do with them

You’re The Only One Who Can Make Her Happy:

It is possible that if this woman wants more from our friendship she means something more profound, like wanting to be in a relationship with you

She Compliments Your Looks:

If this woman likes how I look, then it could mean that there are some hidden feelings for me beneath those words of praise.


When a woman is interested in more than friendship, she’ll show signs. These may be subtle or blatant because women are socialized to hide their feelings and emotions for fear of rejection. If you notice any of these telltale signs, it might be time to take the next step with your new friend!

You may be wondering if your girlfriend wants more than just friendship. If you’ve been getting mixed signals and can’t seem to tell, don’t worry! We’ll help you figure it out with these 20 signs she wants more than friendship. With this information in hand, you should have no problem figuring out the answer for yourself without having to ask her outright- which is a good thing because that could lead to some awkward conversations.

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Leslie May
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Leslie May

Hi, I am Leslie B. May. I am a relationship expert with several years of experience. I run this blog to support people with different types of relationship problems and issues. In addition, I help people to get rid of psychological problems with simple but descriptive guides. Moreover, I love to write about tips and suggestions about relationships and help people decide wisely.