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Why My Wife Yells At Me? [Reasons, Remedy, Reaction & Resolution]

“My wife yells at me and I do not even know the reason. What should I do to identify the reasons, find the remedy, way to react, and find the ultimate resolution?” Well, conflict is an inevitable aspect of any relationship, and in marriages, emotions can sometimes escalate to the point where heated arguments and yelling occur. If you find yourself wondering why your wife yells at you, it’s essential to delve deeper into the underlying reasons and learn effective strategies for addressing and resolving such situations. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the psychology behind yelling in a relationship, the potential reasons behind your wife’s outbursts, and actionable steps to navigate and improve the situation.

My Wife Yells at Me
My Wife Yells at Me

Table of Contents

What is Yelling in a Relationship?

Yelling is a form of emotional expression that can manifest for various reasons in a relationship. It is important to understand that yelling can stem from a variety of factors, and it’s not always indicative of a lack of love or care. Let’s explore some common aspects of yelling in relationships:

Yelling Can Be a Natural Instinct.

In moments of intense emotion, the human brain activates the fight or flight response, which can lead to raised voices and yelling. This instinctual behavior can stem from a primitive need to defend oneself or assert dominance. Yelling as a natural instinct can be triggered when individuals feel threatened, overwhelmed, or cornered in a conflict. While it may not be the most productive way to communicate, recognizing the biological basis of this response can help partners understand and address the behavior.

Yelling Can Be a Response to Trauma.

Individuals who have experienced trauma may resort to yelling as a coping mechanism. Trauma can result in heightened emotional reactions, and yelling might serve as a temporary release for pent-up feelings. Those who have faced traumatic experiences may struggle with regulating their emotions, leading to outbursts of yelling when triggered by conflicts. It’s crucial to approach partners with compassion and encourage them to seek professional help to address underlying trauma and develop healthier coping mechanisms.

Yelling Can Be a Result of Your Actions.

Sometimes, yelling may be a direct response to specific actions or words. When a partner feels hurt, disappointed, or frustrated by something you’ve done, yelling might be a way to express their emotions and demand accountability. It’s important to remember that your actions have an impact on your partner’s emotional state. Addressing and acknowledging their feelings can help defuse conflicts and promote healthier communication.

The Possible Reasons Why Your Wife Yells at You

Understanding the potential reasons behind your wife’s yelling can help you address the root causes of the conflict. Here are some possible explanations:

The Possible Reasons Why Your Wife Yells at You
The Possible Reasons Why Your Wife Yells at You

1. She Is Stressed.

Stress is a common trigger for emotional outbursts, including yelling. When your wife is grappling with work-related pressures, family responsibilities, or personal challenges, her emotional resilience may be compromised. As a result, even minor disagreements can escalate into heated arguments. Supporting her during stressful periods and encouraging open communication can help reduce tension and minimize yelling episodes.

2. She Is Frustrated.

Unresolved issues or unmet expectations can lead to frustration, which may find an outlet in yelling. Your wife might feel that her needs, desires, or concerns are not being adequately addressed. When communication breaks down and conflicts remain unresolved, frustration can build up over time, contributing to emotional explosions. Engaging in empathetic conversations and working together to find solutions can mitigate feelings of frustration and reduce yelling.

3. She Is Plagued with Financial Problems.

Financial problems are a significant source of stress in many relationships. If your family is facing financial challenges, your wife’s emotional state may be heightened, leading to yelling during conflicts. Money-related concerns can evoke strong emotional responses, particularly if financial stability feels threatened. Openly discussing financial matters, setting realistic expectations, and working together to find solutions can alleviate stress and minimize yelling.

4. She Feels You Are Not Paying Enough Attention to Her.

A common trigger for yelling is the perception of inadequate attention or emotional connection. If your wife feels neglected or undervalued in the relationship, she may resort to yelling as a way to assert herself and demand your attention. This behavior can signal a deeper need for emotional intimacy and quality time together. Making a conscious effort to prioritize meaningful interactions and engage in active listening can strengthen your bond and reduce the likelihood of yelling.

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5. You Have Done Something Wrong.

Yelling can be a direct response to your actions, especially if you’ve made a mistake or behaved in a hurtful manner. Your wife’s emotional reaction may reflect her hurt or disappointment, and yelling might be an attempt to express the intensity of her feelings. Taking responsibility for your actions, apologizing sincerely, and demonstrating genuine remorse can help de-escalate conflicts and foster understanding.

6. Your Wife Yells At You Because You Have Lied to Her.

Dishonesty erodes trust and can lead to heightened emotional reactions such as yelling. If your wife discovers that you’ve lied to her, her feelings of betrayal and hurt may manifest as yelling during conflicts. Rebuilding trust through open and honest communication, consistent transparency, and a commitment to rebuilding the relationship’s integrity are crucial steps toward reducing such behavior.

7. You Are Not Helping Her.

A perception that you’re not contributing equally to household responsibilities can lead to frustration and yelling. If your wife feels overwhelmed by the demands of managing a household, childcare, or other tasks, her emotional response may involve yelling as a way to express her frustration. Openly discussing roles, and responsibilities, and finding ways to share the workload can alleviate stress and promote a more equitable partnership.

8. She Thinks You Are Not Listening to Her.

Feeling unheard or dismissed can prompt your wife to raise her voice to ensure her perspective is acknowledged. If you consistently fail to engage in active listening or disregard her opinions, she may resort to yelling in an attempt to command your attention. Practicing attentive listening, validating her feelings, and showing empathy can help address underlying issues and reduce the need for yelling.

9. She Is Not Getting Enough Priority.

Perceiving that she’s not a priority in your life can evoke feelings of anger and prompt yelling. Your wife may feel neglected if she believes that other commitments or interests take precedence over the relationship. Demonstrating your commitment through thoughtful gestures, quality time, and reassurances can help her feel valued and minimize emotional outbursts.

10. You Are Not Taking Her Seriously.

Disregarding your wife’s feelings or opinions might lead to emotional outbursts as a way to assert herself. If she believes that her concerns are consistently dismissed or trivialized, she may resort to yelling to demand the seriousness and respect she deserves. Engaging in respectful conversations, valuing her perspective, and demonstrating empathy can foster a more understanding environment.

You Are Not Taking Her Seriously.
You Are Not Taking Her Seriously.

11. She Is Not Happy in This Relationship.

Underlying unhappiness or dissatisfaction in the relationship may contribute to heightened emotions and yelling. If your wife feels unfulfilled or unsatisfied with the state of the partnership, her emotional responses may intensify during conflicts. Addressing the root causes of her unhappiness, seeking couples therapy, and working together to strengthen the relationship can alleviate tension and reduce yelling.

12. She Is Weak in Communication Skills.

A lack of effective communication skills can lead to frustration, causing yelling when emotions run high. If your wife struggles to express herself or finds it challenging to articulate her thoughts and feelings, she may resort to yelling as a way to release her pent-up emotions. Encouraging communication workshops or therapy can help both partners improve their communication skills and reduce the need for yelling.

13. She Lacks Respect for You.

A breakdown in respect and admiration for you as a partner can lead to disrespectful behavior, including yelling. If your wife has lost respect for you due to perceived shortcomings or unresolved conflicts, her emotional responses may involve yelling to assert her frustration or discontent. Rebuilding mutual respect through open dialogue, compromise, and active efforts to address underlying issues can improve the overall dynamic.

14. You Hurt Her Feelings.

Emotional pain from hurtful actions or words can trigger yelling as a defensive response. If you’ve said or done something hurtful, your wife’s yelling may be a reaction to the emotional wounds caused by your behavior. Acknowledging her pain, apologizing genuinely, and making amends can help repair the relationship and reduce future conflicts.

15. She Is Mentally Unhealthy.

Mental health struggles can impact emotional regulation and contribute to yelling. If your wife is experiencing mental health challenges such as anxiety, depression, or mood disorders, her emotional responses may be amplified during conflicts. Encouraging her to seek professional help, offering support, and practicing patience can foster a more compassionate and understanding environment.

16. She Suspects Your Respect for Her.

Perceiving a lack of respect from you can trigger emotional reactions, including yelling. If your wife feels that you undermine her opinions, belittle her, or fail to consider her feelings, she may resort to yelling as a way to demand recognition and respect. Valuing her input, treating her as an equal partner, and actively demonstrating your respect can diminish the need for such behavior.

17. Significant Distance Is Growing Between You Two.

A growing emotional distance can lead to heightened emotions and conflicts, including yelling. If you and your wife are experiencing a lack of intimacy, connection, or emotional closeness, conflicts may escalate as a result. Prioritizing quality time, engaging in meaningful conversations, and working to bridge the emotional gap can reduce tension and minimize yelling.

18. You Ignore Her.

Consistently ignoring your wife’s needs or feelings may lead to frustration and yelling. If you habitually dismiss her concerns, desires, or attempts at communication, her emotional responses may intensify as she seeks to make her voice heard. Active engagement, demonstrating attentiveness, and showing genuine interest in her thoughts and feelings can foster a more respectful and understanding relationship.

19. You Are Unreliable.

Unreliable behavior or broken promises can erode trust and result in emotional outbursts. If you’ve failed to follow through on commitments, your wife’s frustration and disappointment may manifest as yelling during conflicts. Cultivating reliability, being accountable for your actions, and rebuilding trust through consistent behavior can reduce instances of yelling.

20. You Provoked Her for Yelling.

Provoking behavior or intentionally pushing your wife’s emotional buttons may lead to a yelling response. If you engage in behaviors that deliberately trigger her anger or frustration, she may resort to yelling as a way to defend herself or communicate her displeasure. Promoting respectful communication, avoiding inflammatory actions, and fostering an environment of understanding can help prevent such reactions.

You Provoked Her for Yelling.
You Provoked Her for Yelling.

21. Communication Breakdown.

Miscommunication or a lack of effective communication can escalate conflicts, leading to yelling. When partners struggle to convey their thoughts, feelings, and perspectives, misunderstandings can arise, triggering emotional reactions such as yelling. Improving communication skills, actively listening, and promoting open dialogue can help prevent miscommunication and reduce conflicts.

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22. Unmet Expectations.

Unfulfilled expectations can result in frustration and emotional outbursts, including yelling. If either partner has unspoken or unrealistic expectations, conflicts may arise when these expectations are not met. Fostering a culture of open communication, setting clear expectations, and addressing discrepancies proactively can minimize tension and reduce the need for yelling.

23. You Have Crossed the Red Line.

Certain actions or behaviors may be perceived as crossing a boundary, prompting her to react strongly. If you’ve engaged in behavior that goes against established values, agreements, or boundaries within the relationship, your wife’s emotional response may involve yelling to address the breach of trust. Recognizing and respecting boundaries, actively addressing transgressions, and working to rebuild trust can minimize conflicts and yelling.

My Wife Yells At Me, How to Stop Her?

Yelling in a relationship can be distressing and damaging, affecting both partners’ emotional well-being. To address this issue and work towards a healthier dynamic, consider implementing the following strategies:

1. Stop Paying Attention to Her Yelling.

When your wife raises her voice and yells, your natural instinct may be to engage and respond in kind. However, fueling the fire by paying immediate attention to her yelling may escalate the situation further. Instead, try taking a step back and allowing her to express her emotions without an immediate reaction. This pause can help defuse tension and encourage more productive communication later.

2. Make Her Understand Your Discomfort.

Communicating your own feelings is essential for resolving conflicts. Calmly express to your wife that her yelling makes you uncomfortable and negatively impacts your ability to address the issue at hand. By sharing your perspective and emotions, you create an opportunity for empathy and understanding to develop between both of you.

3. Take a Short Break.

In the heat of an argument, emotions can run high and rational thinking can be clouded. If you sense that a situation is escalating towards yelling, suggest taking a short break to cool off. Stepping away from the situation temporarily allows both you and your wife to regain composure, collect your thoughts, and approach the conflict with a clearer mindset.

4. Understand the Reasons for Her Yelling.

Yelling often stems from underlying issues, frustrations, or unmet needs. Engage in open and non-judgmental communication with your wife to understand the reasons behind her outbursts. By actively listening and seeking to comprehend her perspective, you demonstrate empathy and a genuine interest in resolving the core problems.

5. Practice Active Listening and Paraphrasing.

When your wife is upset and yelling, make an effort to listen actively and attentively. Paraphrase her words to ensure you understand her concerns correctly. This approach not only validates her feelings but also shows that you value her perspective, contributing to a more empathetic and respectful dialogue.

6. Help Her Calm Down.

If your wife is visibly agitated and emotional, offer comfort and support to help her calm down. Suggest taking deep breaths together or engaging in a calming activity that you both enjoy. Creating a soothing environment can promote relaxation and make it easier to address the issue without the intensity of yelling.

7. Apologize if Her Point is Valid.

If her yelling is a response to something you’ve done wrong, take responsibility for your actions. Apologize sincerely and express genuine remorse for any hurt you’ve caused. Acknowledging your mistakes and making amends demonstrates your commitment to a healthier relationship and can contribute to diffusing conflicts.

Apologize if Her Point is Valid
Apologize if Her Point is Valid

8. Convince Her of Your Responsibility.

Sometimes, misunderstandings can lead to conflicts and yelling. Clearly articulate your intentions and perspective to your wife to ensure she understands your point of view. Assure her that you are committed to resolving the issue and taking responsibility for your actions.

9. Do Something That Pleases Her.

Small gestures can go a long way in alleviating tensions and demonstrating your care and appreciation. Engage in activities that bring joy to your wife’s day or surprise her with a thoughtful gesture. By showing her that you prioritize her happiness, you can create a more positive atmosphere and reduce the likelihood of yelling.

10. Share Her Load.

Life’s responsibilities can be overwhelming, leading to frustration and, subsequently, yelling. Take proactive steps to share household chores, childcare, or other tasks to reduce her workload. A collaborative approach to managing responsibilities can promote a sense of teamwork and reduce stressors that contribute to yelling.

11. Identify and Defuse Yelling Triggers.

Work together to identify specific triggers that lead to yelling and agree on strategies to defuse them. Whether it’s certain topics, times of day, or external stressors, addressing these triggers can help you both navigate conflicts more effectively and minimize yelling.

12. Consider Seeing a Counselor Together.

If yelling has become a recurring issue in your relationship, seeking the guidance of a professional couples counselor can be beneficial. A trained therapist can facilitate constructive conversations, provide insights into communication patterns, and offer tools to navigate conflicts more productively. Couples therapy can be an opportunity to strengthen your bond and work towards a healthier and happier partnership.

My Wife Yells At Me: How Should I React?

Yelling in a marriage can be challenging, but your reaction plays a significant role in shaping the outcome of the conflict. Here are practical strategies to consider when faced with your wife’s yelling:

My Wife Yells At Me How Should I React?
My Wife Yells At Me How Should I React?

1. Do Not Yell at Her Back.

Responding to yelling with more yelling only exacerbates the situation. It fuels the intensity of the conflict and hinders productive communication. Instead, make a conscious effort to maintain your composure and remain calm. Keep in mind that responding in kind can escalate the argument and create an unhealthy cycle of communication.

2. Calm Yourself Down and Relax for a Short Time.

In the heat of the moment, emotions can cloud your judgment and hinder effective communication. Take a step back to compose yourself and regain emotional balance. A short break can provide you with the necessary time to reflect on the situation and approach the conversation with a clearer mindset.

3. Be Nice to Her.

When your wife is yelling, it’s important to resist the temptation to respond with negativity or defensiveness. Maintain a kind and respectful demeanor, even if her words are hurtful. Responding with kindness can help defuse tension and create an atmosphere conducive to open dialogue.

4. Try to Explain Your Points Gently.

Once the initial intensity has subsided, express your perspective in a gentle and respectful manner. Use “I” statements to share your feelings and thoughts without assigning blame. Effective communication involves active listening and understanding each other’s viewpoints, even when disagreements arise.

5. Do Not Give Up Your Side.

While it’s important to listen and empathize with your wife’s concerns, it’s equally crucial to assert your own feelings and perspectives. Healthy communication involves mutual respect and a willingness to work through differences. Avoiding the temptation to acquiesce entirely can help maintain a balanced and respectful exchange of ideas.

Is Yelling in a Marriage Normal?

It’s natural to question whether yelling is a normal aspect of a marriage. While disagreements are typical in any relationship, consistent and excessive yelling may indicate underlying issues that require attention. Yelling should not be the primary means of communication, and efforts should be made to address conflicts in healthier ways.

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My Wife Yells At Me: What Are the Negative Effects?

Yelling can have detrimental effects on both partners and the overall health of the marriage. Here are some potential consequences of being yelled at by your wife:

Negative Effects of Your Wife's Yelling at You
Negative Effects of Your Wife’s Yelling at You.

1. Emotional Distance Arises When Your Wife Yells At You.

Frequent yelling can lead to emotional distancing between partners. The fear of confrontation may cause one or both partners to withdraw emotionally, leading to a breakdown in intimacy and connection.

2. Negative Communication Patterns.

Yelling can establish negative communication patterns within the relationship. If yelling becomes the default method of resolving conflicts, it can hinder effective problem-solving and prevent healthy compromise.

3. Emotional Well-being.

Consistent exposure to yelling can negatively impact emotional well-being. Yelling can contribute to feelings of stress, anxiety, and sadness, creating an emotionally toxic environment.

4. Erosion of Respect.

Yelling can erode mutual respect between partners. When conflicts are resolved through yelling, it diminishes the respect partners have for each other’s feelings and perspectives.

5. Divorce.

In extreme cases, persistent and unresolved yelling can contribute to marital dissatisfaction and, ultimately, divorce. Unresolved conflicts and the resulting emotional toll can lead to irreparable damage to the relationship.

My Wife Yells At Me In Front Of Other People

Yelling within the confines of a private space is challenging enough, but when disagreements escalate to shouting matches in front of others, the consequences can be even more pronounced. Yelling in front of family, friends, or even strangers can have far-reaching and deeply negative effects on both partners and those who witness the conflict.

1. Undermining Relationship Privacy.

When conflicts spill over into public spaces, the privacy and intimacy of the relationship are compromised. Personal matters that should be discussed in a safe and confidential environment are exposed to the scrutiny of others. This intrusion can intensify feelings of vulnerability and damage the sense of trust between partners.

2. Embarrassment and Shame.

Public yelling can subject both partners to feelings of embarrassment and shame. Experiencing or witnessing intense arguments in social settings can lead to humiliation and discomfort. This emotional distress can linger long after the argument ends, affecting self-esteem and overall well-being.

3. Negative Perception by Others.

Yelling in public can lead others to form negative judgments about the relationship and the individuals involved. Friends and family members who witness frequent yelling may develop concerns about the health and stability of the partnership. These perceptions can strain relationships with others and contribute to a sense of isolation.

4. Modeling Unhealthy Behavior.

Children who observe their parents yelling in front of others may internalize this behavior as a normative way to handle conflicts. This can set a troubling precedent for how they manage their own relationships in the future. Modeling unhealthy communication patterns may perpetuate a cycle of yelling and emotional turmoil.

5. Conflict Escalates When Your Wife Yells At You In Front Of An Audience.

The presence of an audience during a yelling match can inadvertently escalate the conflict. Individuals may feel compelled to “win” the argument or save face in front of others, intensifying their emotional responses. This escalation can make it even more challenging to de-escalate the situation and find a resolution.

6. Impact on Social Relationships.

Public displays of yelling can impact not only the individuals directly involved but also the broader social circle. Friends and family may feel uncomfortable being around conflict or may feel obligated to take sides. As a result, relationships outside the marriage can become strained or even fractured.

7. Long-Term Emotional Scarring.

Witnessing or experiencing public yelling can leave lasting emotional scars. The memory of such incidents can trigger anxiety, fear, or unease in similar social settings. This emotional residue may contribute to avoidance behaviors and hinder the ability to engage in healthy and open communication.

8. Damage to the Relationship’s Reputation.

Repeated incidents of public yelling can damage the reputation of the relationship in the eyes of others. A once-respected and admired partnership may become associated with conflict and turmoil, potentially affecting social invitations, support networks, and overall perceptions.

How to Deal with an Angry Wife: Navigating Emotions and Strengthening Bonds

Dealing with an angry wife requires patience, empathy, and effective communication. When emotions run high and conflicts arise, it’s important to approach the situation with understanding and a willingness to work together toward a resolution. In this section, we will delve into practical strategies for addressing your wife’s anger and nurturing a healthier emotional connection.

How to Deal with an Angry Wife?
How to Deal with an Angry Wife?

1. Listen Actively and Validate Her Feelings.

When your wife is angry, it’s crucial to listen actively and attentively. Create a safe space for her to express her emotions without interruption. Acknowledge her feelings and validate her perspective, even if you don’t fully agree. Demonstrating that you genuinely care about her emotions can lay the foundation for open and constructive dialogue.

2. Stay Calm and Maintain Composure.

In the face of your wife’s anger, remaining composed is key. Responding with anger or defensiveness can escalate the situation and hinder effective communication. Take deep breaths, center yourself, and remind yourself that your goal is to address the issue together, not engage in a power struggle.

3. Offer Physical Comfort and Reassurance.

A simple touch or a reassuring gesture can go a long way in diffusing anger and providing comfort. Hold her hand, offer a hug, or place a hand on her shoulder to convey your support and care. Physical touch can help create a sense of emotional connection and remind her that you’re there for her, even during challenging moments.

4. Validate Her Perspective and Concerns.

Empathy is a powerful tool when dealing with an angry wife. Put yourself in her shoes and validate her concerns, even if you don’t share the same viewpoint. Express that you understand why she might be upset and that her feelings are valid. This validation can help de-escalate tension and create an atmosphere of mutual respect.

5. Choose the Right Time and Place for a Discussion.

Timing and environment play a significant role in addressing conflicts. Choose a suitable time and a private, comfortable setting for a conversation. Avoid confronting your wife when she’s already stressed or preoccupied. Creating a conducive environment ensures that both of you can focus on the discussion without additional distractions.

6. Use “I” Statements to Express Your Feelings.

When discussing the issue at hand, use “I” statements to express your feelings and perspective. For example, say “I feel hurt when…” instead of “You always make me feel…” This approach shifts the focus from blame to your personal experience and encourages a less defensive response.

7. Avoid Playing the Blame Game.

Blaming each other only escalates conflicts and hinders resolution. Instead of assigning blame, focus on finding solutions and understanding each other’s viewpoints. Acknowledge your role in the situation and take responsibility for your actions, but also encourage your wife to do the same.

8. Collaborate on Solutions.

Work together to find mutually agreeable solutions to the issue that triggered the anger. Collaborative problem-solving reinforces the idea that you are a team, united in overcoming challenges. Brainstorm ideas, consider compromises, and focus on achieving resolutions that benefit both of you.

9. Seek Professional Support if Necessary.

If anger and conflicts persist, consider seeking the assistance of a licensed therapist or counselor. A trained professional can provide valuable insights, teach effective communication techniques, and guide both of you toward healthier ways of managing emotions and conflicts.

10. Practice Forgiveness and Moving Forward.

Once the issue is resolved, it’s essential to practice forgiveness and move forward together. Holding onto resentment only perpetuates negative emotions and prevents healing. Express your commitment to the relationship, reaffirm your love and support for each other, and let go of lingering negativity.


What Is Yelling in Marriage?

Yelling in marriage refers to the act of raising one’s voice in a loud and aggressive manner during conflicts or disagreements.

Is It Normal for Your Partner to Yell at You?

While conflicts can lead to raised voices, consistent and intense yelling is not a healthy or normal way to communicate in a relationship.

Is Yelling OK in a Marriage?

Yelling is not an effective or healthy way to communicate in a marriage. Open, respectful, and constructive communication is essential for a strong relationship.

How Do Arguments and Shouting Affect Relationships?

Frequent arguments and shouting can lead to emotional distance, erode trust, and negatively impact the overall quality of the relationship.

Can Screaming Be Considered Abuse?

Consistent screaming and emotional aggression can be considered emotional abuse, as it can harm the emotional well-being of a partner.


When your wife yells at you, you have a lot of things to do. Dealing with conflicts and yelling in a marriage requires a thoughtful and compassionate approach. By understanding the potential reasons behind your wife’s yelling, and by implementing effective strategies for communication and conflict resolution, you can work towards a healthier and more harmonious relationship. Remember that seeking professional help from a couples counselor can provide additional guidance and support as you navigate challenges and work towards building a strong and lasting bond.

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Leslie May

Hi, I am Leslie B. May. I am a relationship expert with several years of experience. I run this blog to support people with different types of relationship problems and issues. In addition, I help people to get rid of psychological problems with simple but descriptive guides. Moreover, I love to write about tips and suggestions about relationships and help people decide wisely.