What Are the Different Types of Breakups? If you are going through a breakup, it is time to catch up on the types of breakups. There are all types of breakups, and it is not always black or white.
There can be grey areas with some relationships too. But if you think that your relationship is worth fighting for, then you need to figure out ways to salvage the relationship.
Different Types of Breakups can be categorized into 4 types:
1. Romantic Break Ups:
This is when a relationship ends due to conflicts, arguments or other problems related between two individuals. Romantic breakups can cause other problems like depression, anxiety or even suicidal thoughts.
2. Break up of Friendship:
This type of breakup happens when a friendship ends for conflict issues between two friends (especially on how they treat each other). It’s the same with romantic breakups, but the only difference is that it involves people who don’t have romantic feelings for one another.
3. Professional Break Ups:
This type of breakup involves people in the same workspace (such as workplace, school or college), and they have to stop working together due to conflicts between both parties. It may also be a result of either party’s negligence towards their work at that time.
4. Breakup of Family Members:
Breakups in a family are probably the most traumatic type of breakups because they involve members living together for a long time (such as mother and father, siblings or uncle and aunt).
It’s usually unexpected and can cause other problems like emotional stress when people feel betrayed by someone they trust.
What is the most common month for breakups?
The most common month for breakups is September. Many people are more likely to break up in the middle of summer when many relationships tend to be unstable due to a lack of communication and trust between individuals.
Also Read:
Top 10 Biggest Reasons For Breakups
Top 11 Most Common Reasons For Teenage Breakups
What are the causes of Breakups? Most Common Causes of Break ups
There are various reasons why a relationship fails. It can be because of lack of romance in relationships, the blame game, and other reasons.
Other than that, a relationship may also fail when one partner decides to end it on impulse due to trust issues or conflict of opinions with the other party.
Some causes are:
1. Lack of Trust and Communication:
This is probably the main reason why many relationships (including love relationships, friendships and even family relationships) are broken up. Lack of trust is the root of all evil, and without it, you’ll never know how to get out of a relationship fully
2. Change in Preferences:
People change over time. What they like as teenagers may not be the same thing they like as adults.
This is a normal change, and it doesn’t mean that one party is wrong, but if the two of you can’t compromise on your preferences, then it might be time to end the relationship
3. Lack of Romance:
Some relationships are all about romance, while others (especially family ones) aren’t. But if your relationship lacks romance, it might be time to rekindle the fire between you and your partner
4. Insecurity:
It is normal for people to have insecurities, but if they take over your life, then that’s not normal. If one party is insecure about their relationship, they will start getting jealous or dependent on their partners. This will eventually lead to either party being resentful, and that’s not a healthy relationship
5. Infidelity:
Cheating happens when one party breaks the trust that they have with their partner. It can be because of sexual attraction, an emotional attachment, or even for money (in case you’re in a relationship with a gold digger)
How can I move on and forget my breakup?
You may be feeling many emotions after getting out of a relationship, but there are ways to deal with it. It’s not easy, but the best thing you can do is to face your problems head-on.
Acknowledging that it was your decision and not the other party’s is the first step towards moving on. Try not to blame yourself and try not to place the blame on your ex as well. There are a lot of things you can do if you’re trying to forget your breakup. Read more here
How long does it take to get over a breakup completely?
It depends. Most people tend to get over breakups within a few days to weeks. At the same time, some people may take months and years or even decades to get over it completely.
There’s no time frame for it, but the best thing you can do is to try not to keep thinking about them and move on with your life instead
What to do when you are depressed after a breakup?
If your breakup was due to conflict, arguments or any other issues that can’t be fixed, then it’s best if the two of you move on with your lives and don’t try to get back together again.
But if both of you shared feelings for one another before the breakup and you don’t think that your relationship is a lost cause, then it’s time to move on with the first step for breakup recovery.
Are there any ways to get over a breakup?
There are ways to get over a breakup. I’ve listed down some of my tried and tested ways below:
1. Reflection & self-introspection:
It is important to take some time out and reflect on the relationship that you’re in. Sometimes, a break up can bring many issues into light (like trust issues or arguments) that were there even before the relationship. And it’s best if you acknowledge these feelings instead of trying to cover them up
2. Talk to your friends:
Although it might be hard to face the world after a breakup, you’re not alone. Your family and friends will always be there for you if you ask them for help.
3. Take care of yourself:
Sometimes, breakups leave us feeling vulnerable and insecure about ourselves. They can sometimes cause depression, which is why it’s important to keep yourself busy and make sure that you take care of your health so that you don’t end up hurting yourself
4. Accept it & move on:
It’s best if you accept a breakup as a part of life. They’re not easy, and they require time for recovery, but accepting that this relationship wasn’t meant to be is the first step towards moving on
5. Have fun:
Breakups can sometimes leave us feeling so down and depressed that it’s hard to find enjoyment in our everyday lives. And if you want to get over a breakup, try to have some fun. Go out with your friends, throw yourself in new hobbies and spend some time doing the things that you enjoy
6. Stay positive:
Try to think positively, and don’t let your breakup get you down. Remember, there are a lot more fish in the sea, and you will find someone much better for you than your previous partner was. Don’t settle down just because of a failed relationship but wait until you find someone worth giving your heart to
Breakups are never easy, but there are ways to get over them. If you try any of the methods we’ve outlined in this article and still can’t seem to find relief from your pain, it might be time for professional help.
Our team of experts is ready and waiting to partner with you as a guide through the process of healing following a breakup or divorce. Which method did work best for you? Let us know so that we can better serve our clients going forward!
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