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3 Months Rule After Breakup: Best Tips For You

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  • Reading time:13 mins read
  • Post last modified:July 3, 2023

The 3 months rule after a breakup is, at the best of times, a difficult thing to enforce. The impact of a breakup extends far beyond the couple who is now apart. In most cases, one partner feels rejected and abandoned. The other partner might experience deep grief and might even regret the decision to end the relationship. For some, these feelings are instantaneous, while others can take up to three months before they set in. It’s important to remember that this is only a guideline, and each person experiences it differently. However, when you’ve been dumped and are still heartbroken, staying single for three months will most likely be your best decision.

3 Months Rule After Breakup
3 Months Rule After Breakup

3 Months Rule After Breakup

Just like every other human being, the fear of rejection is deeply ingrained in us. We’re afraid that we won’t find a partner who loves us as much as the last one. We’re afraid we’ll go through this same heartbreak all over again. And in most cases, some people who experience this kind of pain decide to jump into another relationship to feel loved again. The three-month rule is considered a guideline because it allows time to heal properly and to avoid jumping from relationship to relationship without giving yourself the time to heal truly.

The Takeaway: It might be difficult, but it is necessary to give yourself enough time before deciding that you’re ready for another commitment. Don’t rush into another relationship just because you feel lonely or desire companionship and intimacy. Instead, spend this precious time alone to take care of yourself and to heal from the breakup.

Don’t Settle Yet For Another Partner

No matter how tempting it is, you shouldn’t rush into a relationship to feel better. We’ve all gone through painful breakups, and we know that sometimes just the thought of being with someone else makes us feel instantly better.

But be Careful.

You might only be going through the motions and are not truly ready to get back into the dating scene. There’s a huge chance that you’ll end up hurting yourself more than necessary because your heart is still fragile from the previous hurts. It would help if you spent some time alone to heal properly before jumping into another relationship. The Takeaway: Save yourself some heartbreak and use your time wisely – take care of yourself and heal properly. Don’t get into another relationship to feel better or because you’ve been feeling lonely lately. You need to save this precious time for yourself, so you can move on easier when the time is right. Remember, there’s no rush.

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No Impulsive Decisions When It Comes To Love

When you’ve been dumped, it is very easy for you to say that you’ll never get hurt again and that your next relationship will be different. It might feel like you’re now smart enough to avoid another painful breakup, but before making any decision, you need to wait out the initial phase of your heartbreak.

If you want a new relationship, you need to start by taking care of yourself first before getting into another commitment. It would be best if you then had time to evaluate what went wrong in your previous relationship so you can learn from it and avoid repeating the same mistakes. If you still want to move on, you need to try new things and learn more about yourself so you can find the person right for you.

No impulsive decisions

The Takeaway: It’s great that you’ve learned from your previous relationship, and if it is true that they say ignorance is bliss, then we wouldn’t be able to move on because of all those painful breakups that we’ve experienced. However, you still need to give yourself some time before jumping into another relationship that might lead to heartbreak again. Be patient.

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Is 3 Months Enough Time To Get Over An Ex?

Psychologist Jennifer B. Rhodes, PhD. at the University of Kentucky says that 3 months is enough time to get over an ex if you follow these guidelines:

  • Allow yourself to feel your feelings and don’t stuff them in.*
  • Find out what went wrong so you can avoid another painful breakup. *
  • Allow time for yourself before you decide that you’re ready for a new relationship. *
  • Avoid impulsive decisions when it comes to love. *

Hope this helps!

Should You Follow the 3-month Rule?

No matter how tempting it is, you shouldn’t rush into a relationship to feel better. We’ve all gone through painful breakups, and we know that sometimes just the thought of being with someone else makes us feel instantly better.

Is 3 Months After A Breakup A Rebound?

It’s not uncommon to find yourself in a rebound relationship after ending things with your significant other. But is there such thing as rebound relationships? Do they happen within three months of the breakup, or is it just an excuse for people who are simply looking for companionship and want to date again? 

What is a Rebound?

A rebound relationship is when you get back with your ex because you’re feeling lonely and think that getting involved in a new relationship will help erase the pain of your previous break up. However, rebounds are not good for you if they don’t make sense or if it doesn’t feel right. You should only get into a rebound relationship if you’re truly ready and things will work out in the long run.

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How soon could you get into a rebound?

It would all depend on how fast you’ve healed from your previous breakup. People can bounce back right away after their breakups, but this doesn’t mean that they shouldn’t take time to heal. For some people, it takes a few days before they bounce back, and for others, they’re not able to rebound so quickly.

The Takeaway: Rebounds indeed happen after breakups, but this doesn’t mean that you should immediately start dating the first person who comes your way. Give yourself time to heal properly before getting into another relationship.

What Is The First Rebound?

Revenge or rebound relationships are common, and most people go through this type of relationship when they’ve just broken up with someone. It’s normal to be hurt after a breakup, so you might want to get back at your ex by finding someone who will make them feel jealous or regret their decision of ending things with you. Revenge relationships aren’t good for you, so it’s best to avoid them if you don’t want to end up hurting yourself or the other person involved in the relationship.

The Takeaway: If your ex treated you badly, it might be tempting to find someone who will make them feel jealous but remember that revenge will get you nowhere. If you need to get back at your ex, it’s best to do so in a healthy manner so you can move on easier instead of making yourself feel worse than before. Sometimes it’s best to let go and focus on yourself for once instead of other people.

Is It Good to Stay Single After a Breakup?

People usually think they’re ready to date again after a breakup, but it’s best not to rush things. There are plenty of reasons why you shouldn’t jump into another relationship right away, and taking time off for yourself is highly recommended.

The Takeaway: It might be tempting to find someone new as soon as possible, but you should give yourself enough time to heal properly. Taking time off for yourself is highly recommended because it gives you more time to figure out what’s going on in your head and why you ended things with your ex. You’ll be able to see things clearly when the time is right, and this will make sure that you don’t rush things and end up hurting yourself or someone else involved in a rebound relationship.

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How Could You Avoid Rebound Relationships?

There are plenty of ways for you to avoid getting into a rebound relationship. To get over someone, you must focus on yourself and take time off for your own needs. Take this as an opportunity to do something new and exciting so you can move on easier when the time is right.

The Takeaway: Avoiding rebound relationships is fairly easy because all you have to do is focus on yourself. There’s nothing wrong with enjoying your time off and not thinking about love at the moment. You might feel a little lonely, but you must enjoy your own company first before trying out something new when the right time comes.

If you’re not ready to date, don’t force yourself into a relationship. People can get over their exes right away, but this doesn’t mean that they should immediately jump into another relationship.

The Takeaway: It will come naturally when you’re ready, so there’s no need to force the issue if you want to get into another relationship. If you’re not quite ready, it’s best to focus on yourself and not force a rebound relationship if you don’t want to end up hurting the other person involved in the affair.

It’s normal for people to think that they’re ready to date again after a breakup, but this doesn’t mean that they should immediately start dating again.

The Last Word

People often think they’re ready to date again after a breakup, but it’s best not to rush into another relationship. It might be tempting to do so, but you should give yourself enough time to heal properly and figure out the reason why you broke up with your ex. Take this as an opportunity to do something new and exciting when the right time comes so you can move on easier.

 I hope this article has given you some insight into what it means to go through a breakup and how long it can take for your mind to recover. It’s important not to rush the healing process because if you do so too quickly, then there is a good chance that the pain will come back with a vengeance.

This may lead to people staying in failed relationships longer than they should have just because they feel like their brains are telling them otherwise. If you’re struggling after breaking up with someone or want more advice on the subject matter, please leave any comments below!

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Leslie May

Hi, I am Leslie B. May. I am a relationship expert with several years of experience. I run this blog to support people with different types of relationship problems and issues. In addition, I help people to get rid of psychological problems with simple but descriptive guides. Moreover, I love to write about tips and suggestions about relationships and help people decide wisely.