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What’s A Karmic Relationship? [11 Common Signs & How To Avoid]

Do you know what’s a karmic relationship? The word “karma” comes from the Sanskrit word meaning “action”. A karmic relationship is one in which two people have a strong connection, and they are drawn to each other for reasons that might not be immediately clear. Some believe that karma can explain why some relationships work out and others don’t. There are many different types of karma, including love, friendship, family, partnerships, and even business. So how do you find your perfect match? The best way to start is by figuring out what type of karma feels most comfortable for you! If this sounds interesting, then read on!

What's A Karmic Relationship
What’s A Karmic Relationship?

What’s A Karmic Relationship?

A karmic relationship is a type of relationship that comes about because of karma from one or both parties. Karma can be good, bad, or neutral, and it’s always in motion to give and receive simultaneously. For example, if you help somebody without asking for anything in return, then they’ll naturally want to repay your kindness by helping you out sometime down the line. It doesn’t matter who started the cycle first-good will come back to both people involved! 

A karmic relationship is a deep, spiritual connection with someone. It’s not just about being attracted to them and wanting to be around them or even love them. The connection is deeper than that- it’s the type of bond people who have been together for years develop. You may find yourself feeling inexplicably drawn toward this person, and they might feel the same way too! But what exactly does that mean? What makes a karmic relationship so special? Let me tell you more…

Karmic relationships are built on trust and honesty. When you’re connected to someone through karma, it feels like your entire universe has aligned-it’s an almost magical feeling! You can’t help but feel comfortable around them, even if you don’t know them that well yet. This kind of relationship thrives off of honesty, genuineness, and truthfulness. If you sense that all three are there, then you might be part of a karmic relationship! 

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A karmic relationship is also built on mutual respect. When you find someone whose life path matches yours in a karmic way, it’s easy to feel like they’re a part of your world. There’s no need to constantly be checking up on them or figuring out how to please them-you trust that they’ll want what’s best for you too. You both do things together because it feels right, not because one person needs something from the other person for everything to fit into place. It sounds simple, but this foundation is often ignored in other kinds of relationships.

How Do You Know If It’s A Karmic Relationship?

You’ll always have an easy time communicating with each other. The conversation will flow, and there won’t be any awkward pauses or silences! You’ll be able to tell each other things without feeling like you’re revealing too much-you might even open up more than usual because it feels good to share yourself openly! And your partner will feel the same way too-there won’t be any need to hold back with this person. 

A karmic relationship is also built on unselfishness. Your partner wants what’s best for you above all else! So when trouble strikes, they’ll drop whatever they’re doing to help you out. And they won’t expect anything in return-it’ll just come naturally to them! You both love taking care of each other, and it’s one of the most amazing feelings ever!

11 Signs You’re In A Karmic Relationship.

It’s said that relationships are a reflection of ourselves, and if you’re in a karmic relationship, then it means your partner is providing what you need to grow. 

Here are 11 signs that might indicate you’re in a karmic relationship.

1) Instant Connection:

When you meet your partner for the first time, you know they’re special. You might even feel like you’ve known them before! When this happens, pay attention-it’s a definite sign that there’s karma involved.

2) Never Feel Settled:

There’s a constant pull towards your partner-you feel like they’re always on your mind.  A desire to be together: You can’t help but want to be around them! And the feeling is mutual too. Love and marriage: You won’t need to label anything to work in this kind of relationship. It will just be natural.

3) They’re Unpleasant To Be Around:

If your partner is negatively affecting your life, then it might not be a karma match. It’s important to feel good in all areas of your life-not just one or two!

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4) They’re Hurting You:

In karmic relationships, there’s an understanding that your partner will never hurt you on purpose. There’s nothing that will ever damage the trust that has been built up between you.

5) You Feel Like Your Soulmate:

When two karmic partners come together, it can almost feel like coming home! Even if you’ve only known each other for a day, there’ll be a deep sense of familiarity and belonging-it’s almost magical!

6) You Feel Addicted:

If you feel like you’re addicted to your partner, then it means that there are strong physical and emotional feelings involved. It’s a good sign that you’ve met a karmic soulmate!

7) There’s An Instant Connection:

When you meet your partner for the first time, you know they’re special. You might even feel like you’ve known them before! When this happens, pay attention-it’s a definite sign that there’s karma involved.

8) Natural Attraction:

Something will draw you to your partner and vice versa, even if it never made sense before. You’ll feel an instant pull toward each other.

9) Sense Of Belonging:

When two karmic partners come together, it can almost feel like coming home! Even if you’ve only known each other for a day, there’ll be a deep sense of familiarity and belonging-it’s almost magical!

10) There Are A Lot Of Highs And Lows:

If you’re in a karmic relationship, there will be many ups and downs to deal with. It’s not always smooth sailing, but it’s part of the journey.

11) There’s A Lot Of Drama:

If your partner is negatively affecting your life, then it might not be a karma match. It’s important to feel good in all areas of your life-not just one or two! If you have other signs that are not mentioned here, please add them below and let me know if there’s anything else I should mention on this page.

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When Karmic Relationships Turn Toxic?

Karmic relationships can be extremely beneficial, and however, sometimes they turn toxic. This could happen for various reasons, but the simplest one is that we are not spiritually ready yet to accept the blessings that karma provides us.  A relationship should bring positive energy into your life and help you grow as a human being, not drain your spirit and make you feel down.

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When this happens, our partners do not bring us joy anymore but take it away instead. In such a case, the relationship may suffer from a loss of sexual attraction between the couple, or they might have realized that they are no longer compatible and interested in spending time together. These are signs that the love is gone and there is nothing to save it.

If you feel that your karma relationship has turned toxic and you want to move on, I recommend doing the following:

  • Let go of negative feelings. The people we love the most can hurt us because they know exactly how to press our buttons. You must learn that sometimes love can fail. Don’t let the other’s actions define your worth.
  • Remember that karma is not an excuse to be abused or mistreated! 
  • Let go with love, and don’t punish yourself by being bitter and resentful  – even if you loved the person dearly in the past. Especially now when you are aware you are better off without them.
  • Spend some time alone and start loving yourself  (in a non-egoistical way). You should allow yourself to value and love who you are, not what the other person wanted you to be.

 How To Avoid Karmic Relationships?

It’s a common misconception that karma is the retribution we receive for all our bad deeds. In reality, it’s a natural law of life that dictates that what goes around comes back around. The key to avoiding karmic relationships is not allowing yourself to be in one in the first place!

This means not wasting time with toxic and negative people who you know will only bring you down and out. These people may have been good friends at some point, but now they’re just baggage holding you back from achieving your goals. 

The Last Word.

I hope this article has been helpful to you in understanding what a karmic relationship is and how it can help your love life. Remember that the most important thing when starting any new relationship is trust, so make sure to take things slow! If you have any more questions about karma or relationships, please feel free to leave them below in the comments section of this blog post.

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Leslie May

Hi, I am Leslie B. May. I am a relationship expert with several years of experience. I run this blog to support people with different types of relationship problems and issues. In addition, I help people to get rid of psychological problems with simple but descriptive guides. Moreover, I love to write about tips and suggestions about relationships and help people decide wisely.