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[Top 10 Pro Tips] How To Avoid Marital Conflict?

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  • Post last modified:July 24, 2023

Marital conflict is a disagreement between the husband and wife. They may disagree on how to discipline their child, whether or not to send them to a particular school, whether they should move from their present location, what type of furniture to buy for their living room—the list goes on.

What Are The Causes Of Marital Conflict?

There are many different causes of marital conflict. Different couples who experience marital conflicts have different reasons for the conflict, so all cannot be discussed here. I will discuss some of the more common causes of marital conflict. Mental illness and addiction issues, such as depression and alcoholism, may cause marital conflicts in some cases.

Financial problems or debt may also be a reason for marital disputes. Some couples argue because they have little time together due to work and parenting responsibilities. A serious illness or a chronic condition that one partner struggles with could also lead to arguments and strife between them. Past abuse or trauma may also cause disagreements. The best way to deal with these problems is to talk about them with your partner early on. And find solutions that work for both of you.

Having different emotional needs or communication styles may also cause conflict in a marriage. Some people have high expectations of themselves and others, while others have low standards for themselves or even no standards.

What Are The Top Three Sources Of Marital Conflict?

Marriage is a tricky thing. It’s great in the beginning, but then there are always problems that arise. We all have our ideas of what marriage should be like and how it should work, which can lead to some pretty serious disagreements with your spouse. The good news is that most couples do make it through their troubles and find ways to move on together! But for those who don’t make it, we wanted to highlight 3 important sources of marital conflict. Because you should know the prime causes of marital conflicts before knowing how to avoid marital conflicts.

Sources Of Marital Conflict
Sources Of Marital Conflict

The Top Three Sources Of Marital Conflict:

1. Money/Finances:

This one is a no-brainer. Money has been the number one reason for divorce since, well, forever. Money arguments often arise from one spouse being a spender and the other a saver. Spenders, especially those with ADHD, hate having to be budget-conscious. While they may love you at first sight, once reality sets in that you will have to start cutting back financially for the sake of your new marriage, they will become resentful and angry.

Likewise, the savers tend to be more organized in their day-to-day lives and may have high expectations for money being spent. They may also feel that their spouse is not doing enough financially to help out with household expenses and are quick to point it out whenever they think the other spouse is wrong.

2. Kids:

The next logical step for a couple in love is to have kids, making or breaking the marriage. It will either bring you closer together, which it has done for many couples. Or it can take your relationship to all-new levels of frustration and resentment that you never imagined possible. This is especially true for couples who are not as organized in their domestic lives, to begin with since they now have another person (or two) to organize.

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Couples must learn how to work together to create a home and environment that is nurturing for the kids. This often means recognizing your child’s natural tendencies/disturbances and then working diligently to create a plan that works for the entire family.

3. Sex/Sexual Attraction:

This one is maybe not as much of a no-brainer as you’d think. There are many other sources of sexual frustration and dissatisfaction that don’t involve the actual mechanics or frequency of sex, but only in this case does it make sense to say ” three times per week and twice on Sunday” for some reason. If you don’t, then it’s likely that the parent (or parents) with ADHD will not get their needs met and will consequently be resentful.

How To Avoid Marital Conflict?

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to dealing with marital conflict. However, some general guidelines are universally good. 

Here are 10 simple strategies that I hope will help:

1) Be proactive instead of reactive – don’t wait until something happens before addressing it.

2) Communicate respectfully – try to understand where each other is coming from.

3) Compromise – what works for one person may not always work for another, so find a balance between the two extremes.

How To Avoid Marital Conflict
How To Avoid Marital Conflict?

4) Have realistic expectations about what marriage should and shouldn’t be – it won’t always be easy, but the rewards are great when you focus on making each other happy.

5) Nothing is more important than maintaining an atmosphere of love, peace, forgiveness, respect, and trust.

6) The marriage bed must stay pure.

7) Don’t let pride or past mistakes interfere with your ability to love and forgive one another.

8) If you have a problem, be honest about it. Don’t communicate through the kids.

9) Stay physically intimate without attachment – meaning sex has traditionally been between a husband and wife, but if either of you is involved in an extramarital affair, that will create problems.

10) Don’t let sex become a chore – instead, allow it to be enjoyable.

10 Ways How to Reduce Marital Conflict

Marriage is hard. It’s not always easy to know how to handle certain situations or what to say at the right time. But it doesn’t have to be this way! We can help you find ways to work for you and your partner to reduce marital conflict and strengthen your marriage! These are 10 ways we’ve found that will help bring a little less fighting into your home. 

1) Talk About Conflict Before It Happens:

If you know that you and your partner fight about certain things, talk about it before the emotion of the situation gets too high. You can say something like, “I’m worried about how we’ll handle this argument/situation because it always turns into a fight.” It will give your partner some time to think. And gain perspective instead of being on the defense during the situation.

2) Pause Before You React:

Everyone gets upset and angry sometimes, but try to think about how you want the argument to end before it starts. Would you rather have an argument that leads to a heated discussion, or would you rather resolve the conflict peacefully? Sometimes taking a second can help turn things around!

3) Be Mindful Of Your Partner’s Anxiety:

When your partner is anxious, it can bring on tension. Try to treat them with kindness and respect– they want nothing more than to feel comfortable in their own home! Make them some tea (no judgments if you use coffee or a similar substitute 😉), run a warm bath, or take a walk with them. After feeling more relaxed, you can talk about what was causing the anxiety in the first place– don’t get angry! It’s okay to be frustrated that your partner is upset, but try not to discuss it when they’re already so worked up! This can be a great way how you can avoid marital conflict.

4) Evaluate the Situation:

Once you’ve calmed yourself and your partner down, think about what caused the argument. Is this something that happens often? Maybe you can come up with a solution for it! You can say things like, “I know we always fight about money, and I want to try to fix that.” or “This happened again…now, what do we do?”

5) Make a Plan:

So, once you’ve evaluated the situation, come up with a plan of action! You can say something like, “Let’s try to use the budget we made for our vacation money. Just make sure that your partner is 100% on board with the plan– don’t try to ‘convince’ them that this is what they want or anything of the like.

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How to Reduce Marital Conflict
How to Reduce Marital Conflict?

6) Accept Fault:

Even though it’s good to understand your partner, remember that they aren’t perfect either. It would be best if you didn’t have to deal with things like being yelled at or unfaithfulness. If you find yourself getting angry, try saying something like, “I know I screwed up, and you’re upset…but yelling is not okay.”

7) Forgive During AND After:

Forgiveness is a powerful thing. It can help you and your partner feel more emotionally stable, which will lead to less marital conflict in the future! Try saying things like “I know it’s hard for you to forgive me…but I want you to.” or “It takes time to heal from something like this– I don’t blame you for being mad at me.”

8) Take the Time to Listen:

We know it’s SO hard to listen to your partner when you’re feeling so upset, but if you can take a second, even just for a few minutes, it could make all the difference in your argument! If they are explaining their feelings to you, engage with them. Don’t interrupt or cut them off, and ask questions about what they’re saying if you’re confused. Try not to judge them either– take the time to listen.

9) Don’t Make Assumptions:

When you’re arguing, try to think about WHY your partner is doing what they are. If they are upset with you because of something that happened in the past (or even something that may happen in the future), try not to assume things about why they’re mad at you. You don’t want to get into a fight and later figure out that it was something completely different or that you were wrong!

10) Reconnect:

Finally, make sure that you genuinely listen to your partner. The best part about couples counseling is that it can help people learn how to empathize and connect! You will find that the more you listen to each other, the better off you’ll feel in a relationship. It can help reduce conflicts down the road.

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How to Solve Repetitive Marital Conflicts?

There can be no peace in a family where there is jealousy and discord. If you have repetitive marital conflicts, then it is time to take control over situations without compromising on your principles and values.

How to solve repetitive marital conflicts? This is how you avoid repetitive marital conflict:

  • Never dispute when you are angry.
  • Make compromises with your spouse at crucial times. Give and take, win-win situations.
  • Be loving and compassionate towards one another always.
  • Apologize sincerely if you make a mistake;
  • Avoid speaking ill of each other in front of children or family members.
  • Don’t hold grudges against your partner. Don’t ever let your ego hurt your relationship.
  • Never threaten or intimidate each other. Love is much more important than pride.
  • Form a good support system with friends, family, and counselors if needed.
  • Respect each other’s principles, values, and standards always. Compromise is the key to success in relationships.
  • Acknowledge that your partner is the best thing that ever happened to you.

How To Deal With Marital Conflicts?

It is common to experience marital conflicts. Most couples have experienced this stage when they are just married or soon after they got married. It does not mean that your marriage is in trouble or doomed to failure if you go through some problems. Actually, it can be a test of your relationship and how well prepared both of you are for your marital life.

How To Deal With Marital Conflicts
How To Deal With Marital Conflicts?

The simplest way to resolve conflicts is to try to compromise with each other, which means meeting in the middle. The problem, in this case, is when you’re fighting over petty things that will lead to nowhere and less important matters. It would help if you learned how to argue effectively without causing unnecessary damage. There are also ways to resolve marital conflicts with your husband without going to court. In this article, you will learn how to deal with marital conflicts and live happily ever after.

Two Excellent Ways To Deal With Marital Conflicts:

The first option is for you two to go to a therapist or counselor specializing in marriage counseling. It is best if both of you go together instead of blaming each other as the reason for your marital problems. Talking to a third party will help both of you point out each other’s mistakes and flaws, which is not easy to do if the two of you are facing each other. However, some couples refuse to talk about their marriage with outsiders because they believe it will affect their relationship. In this case, you should go to a marriage counselor alone as your husband refuses to talk about his problem and sort out the ways how to avoid marital conflict.

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The second option is for you and your spouse to be willing to work on improving yourselves instead of just blaming each other. One or both of you can participate in a couple’s seminar that offers emotional support and basic communication skills as well as conflict resolution. You can also read books on resolving marital disputes that are available freely on various websites and online bookstores. The couple’s seminar will help both of you learn the importance of effective communication skills in your marriage and how to live together happily ever after.

After reading this article, I hope that you now know how to deal with marital conflicts. Never break up your relationship just because you have experienced a few problems along the way. If you are willing to improve yourself, you two can be happily married for many years to come.

How Do I Resolve Conflict With My Husband?

Conflict is a natural part of any relationship, but it can be healthy, productive, or destructive. When you are having conflict with your spouse, the most important thing to remember is that both parties need to feel heard and respected. The first step in resolving conflict between spouses is understanding where the other person is coming from. This article will explore some steps for how couples can resolve conflicts together, as well as tips on how not to let conflict get out of hand when discussing disagreements with your husband. 

How Do I Resolve Conflict With My Husband
How Do I Resolve Conflict With My Husband?

Five ways to resolve the conflict between spouses:

1. Don’t escalate the fight by saying things like “you always” or “you never,” because no matter what your husband says at that moment, the response to those comments is going to be an escalation of defensiveness.

2. When your husband brings up a problem, listen attentively. Don’t interrupt or cut him off. Let him finish talking and try not to judge his anger with statements like “You shouldn’t feel that way.” Instead, ask questions that you think can get to the root of the disagreement.  

3. Remember that you don’t need to agree on everything, and it’s okay for you both to have different opinions. 

4. If your husband is getting angry or if things are starting to get heated between the two of you, try taking a break by calling a time-out. This can help stop some of the escalations that might occur as you two are fighting.

5. Try not to bring up past fights or arguments. You don’t want to argue in circles while trying to resolve your conflict, so try refraining from bringing up old news. Also, if you’re at a point where the conversation is getting heated, and you think maybe you should go to bed, tell your husband that now is not the time for further discussion but that you can talk in the morning.

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Marriage is a challenge, and while it can be rewarding in many ways, conflict may arise. The conflict between spouses may feel like the end of the world at times, but there are some steps you can take to avoid getting into these arguments with your husband.

The first step is understanding where he’s coming from when he brings up an argument or disagreement–don’t interrupt him or cut him off before finishing talking. Remember that disagreements don’t mean one person is right and the other wrong; they indicate different opinions, which should not lead to defensiveness on either side. If things start to get heated during an argument, try taking a break by calling a time-out, so tempers cool down for both parties involved. Hope you have had a great message on how to avoid marital conflict.

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Leslie May

Hi, I am Leslie B. May. I am a relationship expert with several years of experience. I run this blog to support people with different types of relationship problems and issues. In addition, I help people to get rid of psychological problems with simple but descriptive guides. Moreover, I love to write about tips and suggestions about relationships and help people decide wisely.